Wednesday, September 15, 2004

Journey to the World of Girl: Part I

I haven't been on a date in three years.

Not that I haven't had the opportunity; just yesterday I gave some change to a middle-aged homeless man, who then proposed that we marry. Over the past three years, I can count the number of times a guy's shown any interest on one hand (four fingers to be exact). Three of them were homeless, one drunk at the time (another marriage proposal), and all four were old enough to be my father - and not the 'knocked-up-a-girl-in-high-school' aged father either -- I'm talking fifty and up.

Damn television, wretched media, and its computer-aided, super-model perfection. We've raised an entire generation of over-stimulated men filled with Hollywood expectation and a singular idea of beauty.

It's an impossible mold to fit. Real women can't compete with the air-brushed, surgically enhanced, lustful idea of women glaring out from every magazine cover, TV series, or action film, and burned into the minds of the men who grew up surrounded by them. Real women, with real lives (who inspired Ovid's love poems and the Trojan War) today, can stir a man's heart as effectively as Howdy Doody could excite the Matrix generation.

I won't entirely blame the media. I put equal responsibility on the total degradation of any simblance of a commonly held moral standard in this generation. Today's boys don't have to buy the proverbial cow to get the milk. Hell, they don't even have to know the cow's name.

I was horrified to visit my sister's Singles group at church last weekend and find a room of two men, and twenty-five bright, pretty, sweet, and successful thirty-something women -- headed straight for spinsterhood. There's a whole generation of beautiful women sitting out their best years ( and their fertile years I might add ) waiting for guys to get a clue.

What's going to happen to these women when they're old and don't have families to care for them? Seriously, how is this going to affect tomorrow's economy, and the next generation who has to carry the duties that family won't be there to provide? I think we seriously underestimate how much damage we're doing long-term by abandoning the family structure.

This is a social epidemic I have long been aware of, and which has led me to a single conclusion.... and a proposition.

[to be continued]

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