Wednesday, September 08, 2004

The A List

Every year, Oprah publishes her "O List" of products that are Oprah tested and approved. Today I bring you - "The A List"; a random conglomeration of Top 10 Lists I compiled at work today. Enjoy!


Books I Love (in no particular order)

1. Fareinheit 451 (Ray Bradbury)

2. "Brave New World (Aldous Huxley)

3. 1984 (George Orwell)

4. The Giver (Lowis Lowry)

5. In His Steps (Charles Sheldon)

6. The Pearl (John Steinbeck)

7. Perfume (Patrick Suskind)

8. The Bible (Guy, The Big)

9. Pride and Prejudice (Jane Austen)

10. The Old Man and the Sea (Ernest Hemingway)

Children's Books I Love

1. The Wrinkle in Time series, including Many Waters (L'Engle)

2. Wolf By the Ears (Rinaldi)

3. The Giver (Lowry)

4. Where the Wild Things Are (Sendak)

5. Harriet the Spy (Fitzhugh)

6. "Julie of the Wolves (George)

7. The Very Hungry Catapillar (Carle)

8. Hatchet (Paulsen)

9. A Light in the Attic, and Where the Sidewalk Ends (Silverstein)

10. The Giving Tree (Silverstein)


Albums that get all my Air Time

1. Enter the Worship Circle I

2. Enter the Worship Circle II

3. Enter the Worship Circle III

**These are three in a series, but all very distinct, and very very awesome**

4. "The Beautiful Letdown" Switchfoot

5. James Taylor/ Greatest Hits

6. "Spiritual Machines" Our Lady Peace

7. "OK Computer" Radiohead

8. "Clumsy" Our Lady Peace

9. "Rubberneck" Toadies

10. "Parachutes" Coldplay


Things Everyone Should Treat Themselves To

1. flannel pajama pants

2. "soft lips" lip gloss

3. Oreo 100 calorie thin crisps

4. a Harlan Coben novel

5. a big make-up brush

6. Bath and Body soft lotion

7. an art-o-mat art piece

8. Papa Johns veggie pizza

9. soft house shoes

10. coffee that didn't come from a folgers can.

Worth an Investment

1. a good mattress

2. reading a William Faulkner novel

3. a room that you love to be in

4. learning a language

5. your church

6. an education

7. a garden

8. a big bath tub

9. a piece of art you love

10. a good dog

And finally:

7 Reasons I Don't like England, and 3 Reasons I do, Though I've Never Actually Been There

1. rain

2. propriety

3. monarchy

4. I'm American - 200 something years and still mad!

5. The movie Braveheart

6. bad teeth

7. those palace guards who never move ( i mean really - "don't mess with our queen, or we'll stand really still!!" )

but then again,

1. Oasis

2. The Beatles

3. and movies like Notting Hill and Love Actually paint a redeeming picture of their culture

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