Saturday, March 28, 2009

Oh, New Orleans...

Someone at the Chicago Tribune did a research study to find out which state was more corrupt: Illinois or Louisiana...

I don't think I have to tell you who came out on top...

Here's the link.

We're still apartment hunting, and I am in the middle of all of the usual pre-lease signing stressers that I am so prone to. "Is this really where I want to be for the next year?" is a question I grapple with at the beginning of every new lease; but somehow in New Orleans the question seems particularly poignant... (*See beginning of this blog entry.)

What can you do though? Gotta live somewhere... I think I need to figure out what I'm working towards with this life of mine, and then see if New Orleans is the place to accomplish that. I have good roommates, a good job, nice apartment... but I don't have a goal that I'm excited about, or any end in mind for my life.

I think I get depressed when I feel like I'm just "coasting".

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